Find Ashland County Recorder records online at
Ashland County will not record documents after 3:45pm.
Please refer to this document(PDF)
What is your mailing address?
Ashland County Recorder's Office
142 W 2nd St
Ashland, Ohio 44805
What is your delivery address?
Ashland County Recorder's Office
142 W 2nd St
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Does your county have tract (geographical) indexing?
Yes, since May 1, 1995
Does your county require a legal description with releases and assignments?
What standardization guidelines do you follow?
Does your county require $4.00 for marginal notations on releases and assignments?
What do you charge for copies made by the public?
10 cents per copy
What do you charge for copies made by the Recorder's Staff?
$2.00 per copy
What is your County Auditor's conveyance fee?
$4.00 per thousand
What is your County Auditor's transfer fee?
50 cents per parcel
Does your county require a SASE or postage?
Does your county have Registered Land (Torrens)?
Does your county supply blank forms for purchase?
What is your county's document turn-around time?
One to three workdays
Does your office record Soldiers Discharge Records (DD214)?
What is your policy for handling documents that are over or under in filing fees?
We send back documents if they are under or over fee amount.
Do you take property transfers through the mail?
Only if they have stamps from Taxmap, Auditor, and Treasurers' Offices. Prior deed volume and page required.